التحديث الاخير بتاريخ|الأربعاء, فبراير 19, 2025

تمويل ذاتي 

طباعة الخبر طباعة الخبر ارسال الخبر الى صديق ارسال الخبر الى صديق

2 الرج الى تمويل ذاتي

  1. emphysema

    Dear Ripplemaker Carrie:How sweet you are to leave such a positive comment!It is this kind of feedback that keeps me building this blogsphere.You are so right that this is a platform to kick off Ripplemaker movement in Taiwan.When we have more people who want to become a Ripplemaker, we will start the ripple effect and change the world by simply being an active Ripplemaker.Thank you for making my day.Ping

  2. Lois

    I really wish there were more arletcis like this on the web.


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